
Kizomba is a dance style born in Angola (South Central Africa) but spread around the world specially in the PALOP countries as Mozambique, Cabo Verde, Sao Tomé e Príncipe, Guinee-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, but not only. Now one can find people dancing Kizomba in Brazil, Portugal, Netherlands, Spain, USA, Canada, France, Belgium, and many other countries. Now variations/ fusion of the style has been created too, as the so called in mainstream “Urban Kiz” or “Kiz Fusion”. But one thing has to be clear those are new creations, variations, fusion styles and they are NOT the Kizomba that was born in Angola by Angolan people. There are also other rhythms very similar to Kizomba as Passada (dance) and Coladeira (music), Zouk, Ghetto Zouk, the difference resides on the countries from where those rhythms are from. Passada as dance and Coladeira as music is from Cabo Verde and is sang in Creole, Zouk has its origin in Antilles and is sang in Antillean Creole and Ghetto Zouk is a genre born in Holland by Cape Verdean artists and is sang in Creole mixed with English or French.
Kizomba History
It is our opinion that you cannot talk about Kizomba without referring first to Semba. Semba is very old music and dance style that can be considered as a part of the Angolan folk background. Kizomba describes both, a music style and a dance style and the word itself means “party” in Kimbundu (one of the many Angolan languages). During the 1950’s, Kizombadas, was an Angolan expression that people used to mentioned that they were going to a party, but nothing like we know today. At that time there was no concept of Kizomba as a music style or as a dance style. So, what happened? Well, during the 80’s the Kizomba as a music genre was born in Luanda (Angolan Capital) following the influences of traditional Semba music and Zouk music from a very famous band called Kassav from the French Caribbean - Island of Guadalupe. The lyrics of the songs many times were in Portuguese (since Angola is a former Portuguese colony) or in Kimbundu. After that people started to dance just as Semba but in a much slower way, more romantic way and that is how the Kizomba as a dance style is born. Kizomba the dance is an evolution of the traditional dance Semba.
Kizomba Music
Some of the famous Angolan singers: Bonga, Yola, Semedo, Carlos Burity, Paulo Flores, André Mingas, Don Kikas, Calo Pascoal, Heavy C., Yuri da Cunha, Maya Cool, Matias Damasio, Irmãos Verdades, Anselmo Ralph, Yola Araújo, Perola, Puto Português, Bruna Tatiana, Ary, C4 Pedro. Some of them are more Semba singers, others sing all three styles (Semba, Kizomba, Ghetto Zouk). Feel free to look up their names on to find a lot of good music to practice to and enjoy!
BEWARE: a lot of Kizomba music on YouTube is mislabeled, i.e. music labeled “Kizomba” is really NOT!
Check out our student favorite playlist!
Bring water, flexible/ loose clothes (e.g., jogging pants, shorts, T-shirt) helps with movement. Some students like to wear high heels shoes (like professional ballroom shoes) others prefer to be in flats. We are totally fine with both. Men, please wear shoes with soft front (like TOMs brand) not to hurt women’s toes as you learn. Shoes with leather bottom will help with gliding/movements on the floor. Stay away from sneakers and other shoes with rubber bottom. We offer SHOE DISCOUNTS! You can find options under $30!
Please silence all phones during the class unless there is a good reason and, in that case, please let us know previously.
What YOU can expect from us:
During each class, we will cover some basic moves. At the same time we will explore the space (traveling across the floor, directions). You will have the opportunity to listen and learn in different tempos and also learn about the different music elements. One of the best things about Kizomba is that it has something that suits everyone, and we will aim to help you gain the confidence to dance with it.
What WE expect from YOU:
Confirm your place in advance by getting your ticket online or by calling or sending us txt message – 980-272-7106, it helps us plan a productive class.
Arrive a few min before the start of the class to complete check-in
It is the cheapest and most efficient option to ensure consistency of learning.
Invite friends to class!
Help us create more dancers for YOU to dance with! Best marketing is “word of mouth".

IF you find a particular step that you struggle with, don´t give up; leave it for a few days, then try again. Give time and your body will adjust and movements will come more easily. We believe that you will do your very best. Breathing should always be regular and relaxed, and nothing should ever hurt. Always work to maintain good posture for the whole class and throughout your practice. The more you practice, the better you will become.
- Group Dance Lessons (here you get to practice and learn in community)
- Private Dance Lessons (individualized attention saves you from forming bad habits long-term)
- Social Dancing (attending socials regularly allows you to put “mileage on the dance floor” to solidify muscle memory
We are excited about your kizomba journey and are thankful you are sharing it with us!
Please follow us on socials for more FUN!